Monday 20 February 2012

Relevant mission events for you and your church!

Hi all,

It's a long time since I last posted a blog and I really wanted to challenge all reading to invest a couple of days getting up-skilled and gaining knowledge in missions. 'Your Mission' are putting on two excellent days for training and we would love for you to be there. The Mission Academy Day is £10, bring a packed lunch and you can book here 

Mission Academy Day- May 26th- Mattersey Hall (£10).

This is an event for all Christians to get a better understanding of missions today and how to get involved. On the day we have 4 excellent practitioners (one a missionary with Wycliffe) teaching on the following topics:

Session 1
·        The Great Commission - What is the Great Commission? 
·        The World Today – What are the trends, statistics in the world? 

Session 2
·        Short-Term Mission – What makes a good short-term mission? 
·        Long-Term Mission – How to begin the missionary journey 

Session 3
·        Local Church – What makes a glocal, missional church? 
·        Influencing Society – How can Christians change the world?

Session 4
·        Unreached People Groups – What is the challenge of unreached people? 
·        Hosting Short-Term Teams – What makes an excellent short-term mission? 

Session 5
·        The Call of God – What does the Bible say about the call of God?
·        Finding the Call of God – How does the call of God work in practice? 

Mission Co-ordinator's Day- September 8th- The Hub Christian Community, Rotherham (£5)

This is a special event for anyone who is a mission secretary or co-ordinator in their local church. This day will involve excellent teaching from practitioners on missions and how to make global mission a focus in local church. The topics are as follows:

  • Developing a strategy for mission 
  • Organising a short-term mission
  • Identifying, Inspiring and training Embryonic Missionaries 
  • Supporting Long Term Missionaries 
  • Re-entry Issues 
We would love to see you with us for this day, please visit

Sunday 8 January 2012

What are you believing for in 2012?

Welcome everyone to my blog for 2012.

I pray 2012 is a wonderful year for you of blessing and provision.

Fulfilment is a great word! How many of us are totally fulfilled in life and living to our potential?

Here are a few things to do as a follower of Christ which will really help you to be more fulfilled.

* Put the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first (in heart, soul, mind, strength)
* Write down your vision and work toward it. You need to know what you are aiming for in God and in life.
* Live missionally- that means living with the intention of making Christ known here and to the ends of the earth in the way that we live, pray, where we place our finances and our attitude.
* Have positive input into your life (read the Bible more, pray, have good friends, read good books and view positive things on TV or internet)
* Plan to get more informed on the state of world missions, get a copy of the latest Operation World or visit the Joshua Project on the internet.
* Determine to pray for unreached/ least reached people groups.
* Why not go on a short-term mission
* Develop a daily devotional habit

I hope this helps someone, I would be very glad of feedback.

Thursday 8 December 2011

The world is yet to see

Loved teaching the Mattersey Hall students. I thank God for the opportunity and honour of teaching these wonderful Christians about missions and relationships.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Missional Church- More thoughts

I've been reading 'Breakout' by Mark Stibbe and Andrew Williams.

A fantastic book. This book tells of how to do 'missional church'. It's almost like reading the book of Acts in the way that God led these two Anglican ministers to transform their church.

The book is well worth a read and has further inspired me that God has placed in every believer a task/ tasks to achieve for Him and also a passion for a certain place in the Great Commission. This book shows how Godly leadership can facilitate this.

Friday 21 October 2011

What's Your Dream, part 2

Align Your Dream with God’s Dream
      As a follower of Christ, you need to become acutely aware of what is on God’s heart at this moment in time. As I read the Bible it becomes very clear that God’s heart is for people all over the world to know Him and experience a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. God desperately desires that people know and believe that Jesus paid the price for their sin on the cross. As you read on I want to challenge you as a follower of Jesus to align yourself with a dream from God’s heart; that all people know Jesus and have eternal life. My challenge to you is to give yourself to seeing this achieved on the earth in your lifetime. The good news is you don’t have to become a traditional missionary to do this but you will have to make a conscious decision to become aware and pray for the needs of the world and take practical steps to achieve your part in God’s dream and plan.
      Your part in God’s dream and desire will differ from the next person. One may be called to serve God with an unreached tribe in the Philippines and another may be called to make millions in business to contribute to mission. Another person may be called to be an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher in order to build up the church to serve God better in the world. Yet another may be called to bring the kingdom of God into the world of politics or education. Note the word ‘called’. Your calling is aligned to your dream! I believe each one of us is called to serve God in some capacity.
      It must be said here that we need to lay down our own personal selfish ambitions and live for God inspired dreams. I could quickly list off ten great ambitions that I could have if my faith were to fly out of the window. I would love to cruise the world, own a BMW, own a house in LA, become a millionaire, travel first class everywhere I go, build my own dream home, have a swimming pool, own a private jet, wear designer clothes and eat in Michelin Star restaurants. All of these things are not wrong, but they are very wrong if I make them the main aim and goal for my life. The heart of dreaming God’s dreams is putting Him first in everything and laying down our desires. In Romans 12:1 we are encouraged to be ‘living sacrifices’; that means that we die to our own desires and live for what God would have us live for.
       If you align your dream with God’s dream then you will achieve great fulfilment in your life. You will be truly blessed as you live for something much bigger than yourself. This may require a shift in mindset. Many of us were taught to leave the spreading of the gospel to the experts, give to the church and get a good job. It is not wrong to be in secular work. I really believe God needs ambassadors in all walks of life. Start to see yourself as part of God’s huge plan and purpose for the world. Ask God to help you to see yourself as an ambassador of Christ as you pursue the dream. See your God given dream as more than just a dream; see it as your mission, your role in bringing the kingdom of God to people. This is where life gets really exciting!

What's Your Dream?

Each of us has desires in our heart, things we would love to accomplish. Maybe you have a dream to become an author or an artist. You could have a deep desire to be a preacher or to one day set up an orphanage on the other side of the world. When we have fully given our lives to Christ, the desires of our heart align with God’s desires for us. We often dream God’s dreams for us without even knowing it. In Psalm 37:3-5 it says ‘Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart’. When we are truly in a good place with God and we are delighting in Him and when He is our number one priority, then we start to see our dreams come true.
      Let’s take a closer look at your dreams. What is it that you would love to see happen in your lifetime? If you could really achieve anything, what would it be? What inspires you? Who inspires you? When we answer these questions we then begin to tap into the real ‘desires of our heart’, the very desires that God longs to fulfil.
      One thing that grieves me is when I hear people saying that they do not enjoy their career. A great amount of most people’s adult life is spent in the workplace and it is distressing to think that so many people are unhappy in their job. Many stay in an unhappy work situation because it is safe and pays the bills.
      It is unfortunate that many people are locked into a ‘safe’ world where their real desires and dreams will never come true. That ‘safe’ place then becomes a prison and a place of confinement. Some of the most inspiring people I have met are those who are willing to follow their dreams. They are people who take positive steps into their desired future. I want to make a note here that these people are not ‘chasing fantasies’ they are individuals who truly follow their God inspired dreams. Proverbs 12:11 says ‘Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense’. Following a God given dream will take hard work. It will mean that you will have to ‘work the land’. Proverbs 28:19 states that those who chase fantasies will have their ‘fill of poverty’. It is very important that we discern the difference between a fantasy and a God given dream and desire. As you read on my hope is that your focus becomes clear and you get a real revelation of the dreams that God has placed inside your heart. 

Monday 10 October 2011

Normal Evangelism

When we think about evangelists we tend to think about powerful characters who can command an audience and achieve great results in God.

We are all called to do the work of an evangelist and share our story with the world around us.

It's not that hard when we step into the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Wherever you are today, ask God for opportunities to talk about Him to people in your world.